
10 biggest world threats of 2024, ranked | Ian Bremmer


The United States is the biggest risk in 2024. Here are the other 9, explained by Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia Group and GZERO Media.

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Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia Group and GZERO Media, has been delivering his insightful Top Risks Report for 15 years. The primary objective? To systematically outline how we should approach the world’s most significant threats and opportunities in any given year.

Bremmer’s Top Risks report stands in stark contrast to the clickbait and anger-inducing algorithmic news dominating social platforms. Rather than succumbing to sensationalism, the report serves as a rallying point for professionals and the wider public to focus on what truly matters for global success. It navigates the realm of reality, steering away from ideology and personal biases.

As we navigate the complexities of 2024, Bremmer says we find ourselves “in the teeth of a geopolitical recession, facing major wars and confrontations with no prospects for an effective response, containment, or useful diplomacy.” Here, Bremmer presents his top 10 risks demanding our attention and preparation in the year 2024.

00:00 Introduction
00:28 Why a Top Risks report?
01:31 2024 is a geopolitical recession
03:45 #10 Risky business
05:07 #9 El Niño is back
07:03 #8 No room for error
09:05 #7 The fight for critical minerals
11:23 #6 No China recovery
12:52 #5 The axis of rouges
15:50 #4 Ungoverned AI
18:53 #3 Partitioned Ukraine
21:34 #2 Middle East on the brink
24:53 #1 The US vs. itself
28:55 The case for optimism in 2024


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About Ian Bremmer:

Ian Bremmer is president of GZERO Media and Eurasia Group, the leading global political risk research and consulting firm started in 1998. Today, the company has offices in New York, Washington, and London, as well as a network of experts and resources around the world. Bremmer has authored several books, including the national bestseller The End of the Free Market: Who Wins the War Between States and Corporations?

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48 pemikiran pada “10 biggest world threats of 2024, ranked | Ian Bremmer”

  1. First thing he says, "There is so much out there that needs to be filtered. People don't know what matters, and what doesn't."
    How about we just get the real story from both sides and let us do our own filtering, hmm?

  2. The unelected polluting private jet elites in the WEF wanting to own all resources and control the world is a huge threat.

  3. #1 threat is the leftists liberal democrat war-pigs in power. Our Government is so out of control and good men are scarce nowadays….
    This world is unsustainable, and the only safe place is the place where there are no people….

  4. I'm saying this as someone who has no affiliation with ANY party. The left is the tyrannical party in this case. Sure, Trump took documents, but so did other presidents. Did they get raided? When Biden had documents, why didn't he get raided? He had them before he was even vice president! Imagine that. On Jan 6, why did Twitter remove Trump's post to remain peaceful? Why did the FBI remove the listing of Rey Epps on their wanted posting when he was the one that tore down the barricade on Jan 6th? To me, the left is the corrupt. Sure, Trump may not be perfect, but many Americans are starting to truly see what is going on and this is the reason Trump is gaining power.

  5. We failed miserably didn't we all?
    Lets make sense for once and lock up the leadership who are directly responsible

  6. Russia had every right to demilitarise Ukraine. Reagan promised Gorbachev during the reuninification of Germany that NATO won't advance further East. America lied. Every time they added more NATO countries, Putin warned them. His last red line was Ukraine, he didn't bluff. Ukrainian blood is on American hands, Russia has a right to defend itself. America is also complicit in the Palestinian genocide. There are so many factual inaccuracies in this video it's almost comical. India isn't leading the Global South, China is, and BRICS is the future. America and the collective West is in decline. When empires are in their last stages, they always become authoritarian and over extend militarily. War for profit is coming to an end.

  7. Absolutely shocking that the peaceful transfer of power is no longer tradition in the US. The current generation of Americans have failed their children and grandchildren catastrophically.

  8. In all of 33 mins he never mentioned how Israel's butchering of civilian children and women has nothing to do with anything. F off.

  9. Well Trump is to blame here, if thinks he is above the law that everyone is treating him very unfairly by exposing his criminal behavior, he is a narcissist who instigate people against people, he did that for decade inside thr Trump organization pitting people against each other while they fight and argue he stays above then ripping the benefits, Trump is incapable of accepting defeat, incapable of putting the needs of the Country above his.
    The enablers are to blame just as much.

  10. I don't know this guy but it's easy to tell that he does some work for the US government, he's analysis is done such a way that keeps those government contracts…i.e does not criticize the US government in anyway. Look up Noam Chomsky if you'd like a sensible view of America's role in the conflicts around the world.

  11. Such a shame Risk 3, the Ru's, was so wrong.
    Russia wouldn't be doing any of this if it were not for the US doing what it is.

    This person is an example of his countries propaganda and doesn't recognise the bias.

  12. It feels like information is less trustworthy and less worth the time it takes to onboard the meanings…

  13. On the business of Ukraine, you are right that Russia is waiting until US election. unfortunately, the Party of Trump is closely aligned with Moscow. If they come back in power, forget about NATO and the EU existing as we see it. NATO to the East has a vested interest in ensuring a free Ukraine as they remember the USSR. The Party of Trump never experienced the USSR and the Russian Empire. Ukraine's industrial core is being held by Russia. This is why they need our help. If the rest of Ukraine falls, it is Moldova, Estonia, Romania, and Poland in that order. After thst it is Eastern Germany in 5 years. People need to wake up. This is not only an EU struggle, it is a USA struggle. Washington and London will never bow to Moscow. This is the reality.

  14. Supply chain disruption is the starkest threat to humanity currently. True global devastation is only days away if the supply chain breaks down which is already a huge issue and part of many disruptors plans.

  15. So it’s a threat that exploited countries will demand a somewhat reasonable deal? Can’t have that… Yep, send n the us military! Here I thought these were threats to people, turns out primarily threats to western power structures to make big profits…

  16. USA vs USA??? Uhhhh, WHO vs who, though? Where? ~ Pockets of drama is one thing, but trying to organize a nationwide, GROUP.. That won't happen. Even if happens, IT will not be centralized.
    Too many wanna bee's, that want to be in charge.

  17. I am a Japanese person who is working on measures against global warming.
    I think El Niño, or rather climate change, ranks a little higher.
    This is because they believe that the condition for a world war to break out is a global food shortage.
    Last year's heat may have reduced the number of honeybees in Japan by more than half, and other countries may also have fewer insects needed for pollination, not just bees.
    (It is reported that at least one bee farm has reduced the number to 30%.)
    The Amazon River has also been in a drought for some time, and no one can predict how it will affect agriculture this year.
    The world should put more effort into energy conservation to avoid causing food shortages.

  18. #1: Trump #2: the GQP #3: MAGA terrorism #4: Murdoch, Musk, and hate-run media #5: the "Supreme" Court #6: Facebook #7: Russia #8: Hamas #9: Hezbollah #10: iran

  19. Should the number one be the human population explosion crisis and the threat of the supply not keeping up with the demands for basic essential needs?

  20. Physics works without gravity. Gravity hasn't been proven. Magnetism bonding force of pressure is fact. Earth's magnetic field redirects quatum magnetic fields towards synchronization of earth's magnetic field as force of pressure bonding, electronic grounding are one and the same. When you stand up from sitting your quantum magnetic fields within are propulsion away from earth's magnetic field. You are propelling away from earth's magnetic field of bonding. Mass falls in equalization to resistance within and without entanglement of mass at the same rate of resistance to the mass. We occupy cold space as heat and cold at 98.6 average. When cold resistance is stronger than equal then we seek heat. When you're hot you want cold resistance. Alpha and Omega. Equalization of pressure. Tornadoes equalization of pressure. Hurricanes equalization of pressure. Force of pressure is always equalization to resistance within and without mass. Magnetic fields are cold repulsion to heat propulsion from cold repulsion. Perpetual motion. Stars decay their mass of atmospheres as heat loss of waves of renewable energy or dark energy outside of entanglement of mass. When dark heat energy strikes atmospheres as sparks of electrons as light hitting atmospheres in resistance like hammer striking sparks electrons and light the atmosphere like a filament heat exchanging through mass as sparks of light electrons. Friction from strikes of renewable energy. Lightning burns through atmospheres as sparks of electrons as light in resonating heatwaves decay gas of atmosphere into heat singularities outside of entanglement of mass and leave a void of cold space behind and the proximity atmosphere slamming shut on the void as thunder resonating heat waves of force as sound. A cigarette lighter does the same physics. Strikes electrons burns gas as heat and light. Just slower than lightning. Lightning burns through atmospheres and quickly rises up towards space as a bolt of heat burning through mass. A cigarette lighter is a little slower. But the same physics. Heat is always present in decay and renewable energy at different degrees of pressure. Heat is always propulsion. It's outward force of pressure. Magnetic fields redirect heat in cycling circulation patterns as mass in equalization to repulsion as mass in occupational space. The nucleus of black holes is the only part of space itself devoid of heat. Pure repulsion to thermaldynamics singularities outside of entanglement of mass. Space itself is cold repulsion filled with dark energy throughout space except black holes. You see the hurricane around it in videos because mass can't exist in an external magnetic field generators until equilibrium is reached by the magnetic field generators flow around these bubbles of pure fabric of space itself. No heat within. Proximity mass loses its quantum magnetic fields to the greater magnetic field generators. Equilibrium where external magnetic fields can no longer disolve proximity mass and can only hold the mass of circulation around these voids. Galaxies are formed by equilibrium around these bubbles of pure fabric of cold space. Proof of repulsion is the excess of thermaldynamics singularities spun off into space from pure repulsion. These black holes spin like tops. The pressure exerted on it causes it to spin excess thermaldynamics singularities off in tornadoes top and bottom. Clockwise and counterclockwise tornadoes. Hurricanes around tornadoes at the poles cold repulsion within and without is external magnetic fields. Galaxies can disrupt magnetic fields of size. Only thermaldynamics singularities can disrupt magnetic fields as accumulation of greater magnetic fields of farther reaching fields of forced pressure. Theoretically factual probability that works with quantum physics without gravity. All mass is heat in various degrees of pressure in repulsion. Earth's magnetic field is cold repulsion to heat propulsion from cold repulsion at both poles. Black holes are devoid bubbles of thermaldynamics singularities in the core or nucleus. Repulsion within the nucleus and space repulsion outside it. Proximity mass expells its outer layers towards the greater flow of thermaldynamics singularities where repulsion is the weakest around its perimeter of hurricane of cosmic speed limit outside of entanglement of mass. The repulsion of the nucleus determines the size and strength of the magnetic field generators. Galaxies of great sizes have more repulsion within. If a black hole spinning off excessive singularities directional pressure into space is reaching equilibrium. As mass gets harder to draw in it circulates at the distance of equilibrium of the magnetic field of strength. Full circle. Theoretically factual probability that works with quantum physics without gravity. Friction is sparks of electrons striking particles as renewable energy exchanging heat singularities through mass until resistance is overcome by open space itself.

  21. Miss me with that Middle East conflict zones etc etc. Okay, yes, Ukraine is the first real conflict in Europe in my lifetime. In most of our lifetimes. Serbia Bosnia or The Troubles of Northern Ireland were bad but it wasn't 10's of thousands of dead white people.
    Aside from that, you can't convince me that ME or rest of the world is any less stable than it was 40 fucking yrs ago. Or 20 yrs ago. Or 60 yr ago. We're sick of it. And we can't even criticize or we're either anti-Semitic or anti-humanitarian.
    The rest of the shit, idk. We (America) have been a paycheck away from complete collapse for … my entire life.
    Sure we learned later that the 90's and the 80's and other periods were actually big economic booms. Yet the national debt went from a few trillion (an insane amount) to numbers of trillions well past the level that people can fathom. It's just numbers on a screen at this point. Even to relatively intelligent people like me that CAN understand the maths. I'm so sophisticated, i'm an american that calls it "maths" with a "s"!
    Joking aside, it's a ponzi scheme, we know that. But hey, look at what it's done! We've gone a literal lifetime riding this shit and we STARTED that lifetime 80 yrs ago as the most powerful empire in history and we've only grown since then.
    grown too big? Obviously yeah.
    Fortunately, the two big real threats we face today are kinda opposing. If Vlad decides to take ONE STEP into Poland or Finland, then the far left and the far right here in the US will coalesce faster than Dec 7. 1941.
    Fuck China and Fuck Iran and Fuck Russia. If it weren't for the billions that would die, i'd say maybe it was time for a big one.
    But then i remember that BEST case of that Big One is tens or hundreds of millions dead.
    I still see it as inevitable.
    im terrified of what happens if America becomes 1939 Germany. Everyone says their enemy is hitler i know. But this time… we seriously have a despot – a REAL despot – with the fanatic following and complete lack of ethics. A man so deluded that he thinks he's perfect despite being DEEPLY flawed, and sheltered. A man that ENJOYS power for power sake and wants none of the responsibility that comes with real power.
    He actively WANTS to be a Putin or a Stalin and he's worse, he's a dumb version of Mussolini (who was pretty fucking dumb). But he COULD be "leading" a force more powerful than WWII Germany, Italy, and Russia combined.
    That orange faced douchebag will cozy up with Russia and capitulate. OR he'll use a real conflict to apply the military like a fucking child.
    Donald Trump is without a doubt the number one risk. He is the greatest risk any of us here that's less than 80 yrs old has ever faced.

  22. America don't want people to unite as one that'll threaten what they want to push such as division and its working on some people

  23. Who is objectively creating more instability in the world the United States and Israel or Russia?


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