
🚨WARNING: Prepare for Massive FOOD WARS, World Headed For Shortages Warns Biggest Commodities Trader


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world , 🚨WARNING: Prepare for Massive FOOD WARS, World Headed For Shortages Warns Biggest Commodities Trader , #WARNING #Prepare #Massive #FOOD #WARS #World #Headed #Shortages #Warns #Biggest #Commodities #Trader
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24 pemikiran pada “🚨WARNING: Prepare for Massive FOOD WARS, World Headed For Shortages Warns Biggest Commodities Trader”

  1. The US and China must get India out of BRICS.
    It'd serve both .
    Russia would officially become a Chinese underling and the huge discrepancies in the demographic ,military and economic strengths of China vs the rest would destroy the fiction of Multipolarity .
    Russia has nothing besides its inherited nuclear arsenal .
    It's economy at barely 2 trillion dollars is hardly that of a great power and it's population of just 140 million
    circumscribe even the most optimistic projections of comparative growth .
    This Girl is a Russian and most of what she peddles is complete BS.
    Russia has no capacity to help Africa in trade or such matters .
    EU, China , India and the US are the largest trading partners of Africa .
    Russia doesn't even comes close . It can do nothing besides provoking wars .
    As for the Chinese overcapacity argument …
    well , what this Russian won't tell you is that it ain't just tje west but many other countries chiefly , India , Indonesia , South Korea , Mexico , Brazil too have imposed heavy anti – dumping duties against Chinese EVs .
    Russia , because it produces nothing , can open its markets to its ping pong masters if it wants to.
    It's the same within BRICS .
    Remove China and India and you have miniscule trade between Russia and the others .
    Remove those 2 and Russian trade figures with any others don't even cross the 10 billion
    mark .
    The US needs to cut India away and China would have such an overwhelming dominance that it'd subsume the pretender state called
    Ruzzia .

  2. The EU is working against their own interest. There is food enough for all. The energy crisis started with Nordstream.

  3. All revolution started with hungry citizens. This won't be any different as history has proven many times.

  4. It’s now fully confirmed that Kissinger was an evil manipulator. I clearly remember distrusting him as a 6 year old. When you know, you know!

  5. We are going through food instability ,but it's important to stay positive because on the bright side we are on the cusp of a nuclear war and an asteroid will hit earth and wipe out all civilization

  6. All I see coming out from politicians and MSM in these developed countries are lies and manipulations to fool the people that we're the good guys and morally sound, and they're not.

  7. Your analysis is incomplete.

    Not only is Russia the source of fertiliser, it is also the source of the major inputs in the production of fertiliser, viz. ammonia and nitrogen.

    The idea of being able to sanction Russia without suffering massive blowback was always lunatic and false.

  8. I think you missed Morocco in your story a country with over 70% of phosphate the most critical commodity for fertilizer

  9. Anything can be money. Bottlecaps for instance or say Bitcoin. Energy is plentiful if society breaks down as that is what it is built on and if someone attempts to control it, well we saw what happened to the Soviet Union's top down control. Food well that seems to grow just about everywhere outside of Antartica and deserts (urban areas are defectively deserts).


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