


I warn you, what you’ll see here isn’t your typical Halloween attractions, but truly haunted houses. So, if you have heart problems, don’t continue.


Amityville house
You may not believe in ghosts or demons, but trust me, this house in Amityville, New York, will make you tremble with fear no matter how skeptical you are.

The House of Laments
What better setting for paranormal phenomena than the house of a ruthless serial killer?

Enfield house
Did you want something really scary? Well, brace yourself, because this house will give you goosebumps since its story is none other than the one portrayed in the sinister movie The Conjuring 2.

Winchester Mystery House
If you ever visit this house, you shouldn’t walk alone, because once you arrive, the owners give a severe warning: if you get lost in these hallways, they may never find you.

The Orson Starr House
A house where the spirits of its former inhabitants remain to torment you. No, I’m not talking about another Paranormal Activity movie…

Villisca Axe Murders house
To give you an idea of how creepy this house is, I have to tell you that the atrocities that happened here were enough material to inspire horror books…

Merchant House
Old houses are the perfect place for ghosts due to their great historical importance. That’s the case with the Merchant House…

Springhill House
Can you imagine the horror stories that can be told in a house where a family lived for 300 years?

Myrtles plantation
Mutilation, murder, and revenge. The events that took place in this house in Louisiana are so gruesome that it’s logical to believe it’s haunted.

LaLaurie Mansion
The hellish aura surrounding this house is related to the worst tortures and atrocities carried out by its owner Delphine LaLaurie.

Remember that in these difficult times it is the moment to prevent and follow the recommendations so #StayHome and have #WithMe.

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39 pemikiran pada “🕸The Most TERRIFYING 🦇 HAUNTED HOUSES In The World 😱”

  1. I actually once went to Myrtle's plantation. My family and I took a photo of where Chloe once was before. In the souvenier shop window behind us, she was looking I feel like at me. Idk, she probably wasn't, but that definitely scared me. ( sorry about any poor spelling, I was never the greatest)

  2. When the owners of the alleged haunted houses put in dressed manikins from department stores, to try to get a creepy feeling, it only confirms that they’re trying too hard to sell the haunt.

  3. Amityville is no longer haunted and the new owners want NOBODY near their house or even goin there to take pics. They even went as far as doing construction just to change the front of the house and get rid of those half crescent moon windows. The house looks completely different now and the new owners have signs hung up EVERYWHERE on the exterior of the property that say "Please respect our privacy and do not take pictures". "Do not disturb us regarding the history of our house, thank you"
    The block it's on is beautiful and picturesque. The houses are tremendous and old. There are a few houses on this street that have massive energies of negative entities and residual hauntings. At least a half a dozen homes, probably twice that amount.
    If you drive down this block, you will get dirty looks from everyone that's out there walking their dogs or whatever because they know why you're there.
    I live near and worked near, plus I'm a paranormal investigator myself, so I admit I was very intrigued just to be in the area, so I had to drive by it.
    The owners even went as far as changing their address to throw people off.

  4. Was that the real deal Annabelle doll in the ax murder house? 8:46 the red headed doll with red nose. Looks exactly like the infamous Annabelle doll.

  5. I have been to the Winchester mystery house more than once.Each time I went to that house I would get scarey feelings up and down my spine

  6. In the Myrtles house it says slaves but the photos are of white people so was Chloe the slave white???

  7. I cant be the only one who heard in the springhill house, when George Conyngham wanted to HANG himself, and when olivia tried to stop him, he PULLED THE TRIGGER. just found it funny

    Rlly dark though, loving the aspect and the feel

  8. I used to work at Winchester….I was never afraid. My favorite things were slow days in the winter when the house was cool and if tour guides had nothing to do we would go in teams and clean the house. I loved cleaning the grand ball room it was so relaxing and when we turned off the lights we had to go through the house backwards. It was so much fun and relaxing.

  9. Haunted houses u missed:Wheres the sallie house..the Lizzie Borden bnb..waverly hills Santorium..even the bellaire house and sk pierce mansion..chillingham castle..and the infamous queen mary

  10. besides that its all demonic anyway thats all paranormal type stuff is.. there are no dead people that haunt houses.. its demons

  11. Amityville is not haunted that was a concocted story by the lutz's and one of the lawyers because the lawyer wanted to cash in on the murders that happened there

  12. My house it’s self is haunted I always see something passing by me and I feel a demonic presents next to me😢😢😢 thank god im in Jordan it seems to like us kids my dad still lives there to this day.


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