
【MONSTER HUNTER WORLD】How I will Destroy Monsters 101


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Monster Hunter: World
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world , 【MONSTER HUNTER WORLD】How I will Destroy Monsters 101 , #MONSTER #HUNTER #WORLDHow #Destroy #Monsters
, ホロライブ,hololive production,COVER Corp,hololive English,hololive EN,holoEN,Mori,Calliope,Takanashi,Kiara,Ninomae,Ina’nis,Gawr,Gura,Watson,Amelia,がうる・ぐら,わとそん・あめりあ,ホロライブEN,ホロライブプロダクション,holoMyth,hololiveEnglish,森美声,小鳥遊キアラ,一伊那尓栖,ワトソン・アメリア,VTuber,irys,vsinger,hope,アイリス,hololive,バーチャルYouTuber,赤井はあと,湊あくあ,ときのそら,ロボ子さん,夜空メル,アキ・ローゼンタール,白上フブキ,夏色まつり,紫咲シオン,百鬼あやめ,癒月ちょこ,大空スバル,大神ミオ,さくらみこ,猫又おかゆ,戌神ころね,兎田ぺこら,不知火フレア,宝鐘マリン,白銀ノエル,AZKi,星街すいせい,天音かなた,姫森ルーナ,角巻わため,常闇トワ,雪花ラミィ,桃鈴ねね,獅白ぼたん,尾丸ポルカ,歌枠

48 pemikiran pada “【MONSTER HUNTER WORLD】How I will Destroy Monsters 101”

  1. Really fun MHW stream! Love how these games always take forever to character create
    Sometimes I just hope they'd let us jump straight into the game and create character afterwards whenever we feel like it.
    Nice choice of weapon if I do say so myself
    Sorry that I can't engage with livechat much cus YT decided to shadowban me this stream before I even say a word

  2. I was surprised when I saw this on my YT feed since I didnt saw your tweet but it made me instantly happy. Though I havent played this yet, I am a MH enjoyer since they released the 2nd installment of their game way long ago. And then I was honestly surprised to see the level of gaming you showed in the stream. I think with a little more understanding and getting used to, you will be the greatest hunter indeed my Push
    Thank you for giving this a try. I am very happy to see you truly enjoying this game.

  3. It was really a fun and entertaining stream! So many good tangents and also funny moments. I couldn’t stop laughing at the meat cooking that failed on the beginning because it reminded me of Kronii with the “Congratulations” meat, I’m sorry XD…

    I’m so proud of how you got the basics with the game pretty fast and how you took your time to pick a weapon of preference! From personal experience I suggest you though to give it a try hunting simple monsters with other weapons as well (having a secondary weapon to main is not a bad idea, adds a lot of variety for streams too I think). It really feels like playing a different game with each one.

    If you like the general formula of the base game. I really recommend you to buy the Iceborne expansion in the future, it actually adds double the content if not more :). Also I think that when you’ll play it with Flare, it will be double the fun even off stream!

    It makes me smile that the dynamics of how I got into Monster Hunter World are similar to yours. I had a friend who convinced me to play that game with her during the weekends but before that I wasn’t interested to it for years, then I was so captivated by it that I started playing more on my own!

    I love knowing more about your food preferences and other small things. It’s just fun when you really like someone and enjoy her voice at the same time, everything becomes more interesting specially the small and casual talk.

    Honestly, you really make me more interested in learning the language and your transitions between english and japanese are motivating me so much for studying. Even when I’m working on other things and looking after someone I keep one headphone on my ear and keep listening to japanese streams constantly to “train my ear” (specially you and Flare most of the time). Now it’s just a matter of finding the time to squeeze in for the writing and reading but I’ll work harder to get it somehow.

    As usual thanks for being a huge motivation in my life. Even when bad things happen or I feel like life got me stuck between very difficult challenges, just your company is more than enough to make me overcome many of them. Your streams and songs are always so precious to me.

    Have a good meal and a good rest of the day dear nephilim 🙂

    You’re always the best in my eyes!

    PS: I really recommend you to continue the story off stream, the majority of people in chat are all players who already beat the story game :D. Also it involves a LOT of grinding (it took me about 250 hours to get to the late game) and don’t worry about the content, the more you progress and the more you will be able to show about the game to any viewers!

  4. I'm feel so happy you're playing a game we like to play too, it's okay to make whatever weapons you want at the beginning, the higher dragons will make better weapons and equipment later on, and you can sell the materials to make money

  5. Congrats and Otsu for the first day in MH World! I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed the hunting, and will even hunt more in the future! Seriously you played pretty much well for first time touching the game! You only got cart for 2 times! I remember I got like 4-5 times when I was first time playing it lmao. (But now I'm your hunter senpai XD)
    I pretty like to see your character-making section. HimeRyS and Pyonkichi are cute and nice! The tattoo on the head is the highlight. Your good taste made you do a good job on it. StylishRyS~ But I start wondering what you will do if in a making-up simulator game xD
    Every time the eating scene in the game really makes me wanna eat meats like in game. THEY LOOK SO DELICIOUS! Enjoy your burger/meats! I'm gonna eat something too.
    Thank you for doing a stream today! See you next stream! Take care and rest well! (the aftershock)

  6. 45:17 48:14 Side note: I really like these small moments of lore and story crafting for your character! I feel like you'd have fun with a tabletop RPG sometime!

  7. Thanks for the fun stream. I'm glad you're enjoying the game. It reminds me of the fun I had playing this game with friends when it was released. Looking forward to future MHW streams or collab.

  8. Glad to see you enjoy playing it so much that your next stream is almost if not already decided! You did really well for your first time HimeRyS and I can see you getting used to the mechanics very soon! This was fun and I definitely want to you play it with Flare! Thank you for the stream! Have a nice meal IRyS!

  9. Thanks for the fun MHW stream! Glad you’re having lots of fun with it! Also the Switchaxe is a lot of fun to play with you’re doing amazing looking forward to more MHW in the future!

  10. Thanks for playing my favourite game series and Flare for pushing you to play it sasuga soulmate did a very good job.
    I can tell you have a pretty good MH sense such as dodging and vision controlling (keeping eye on the monster at anytime is important). It even doesn't seem it's the first time of you playing the MH game. However MH still has too much to learn and I believe you can do better and better in the future.
    My first suggestion is that you can try watch some weapon tutorial on youtube and see how to use the combo of Switch Axe. As a SA main I need to tell it is a pretty hard weapon to use compared to the others, so don't feel fustrated if you can't beat some hard monster in the future, maybe try other weapon and you will find the game much easier(yeah like the longsword and dual bade). Happy huntung

  11. 5:29:34 Interesting voice

    It's always so nice when you genuinely have fun playing a game, glad Fuu-tan got you to play! I loved watching you slowly grow to hate the handler more every time you returned to camp, carnivore HimeRyS was hilarious too and got me so damn hungry with all the BBQ talk.

    Unexpected but cool weapon choice too, but I must implore you to try out the Hunting Horn at least once during your offline play though! Hope you order something good tonight, cya soon

  12. Good job with the Hunts Hime and those 7hrs flew by so fast Glad you're enjoying it! And it's always fun watching a newb get into this series
    And you might have carted a couple times but it's all part of the MonHun experience . But yeah, definitely try out some of the other weapons or do some grinding off stream, maybe you'll find another weapon that just clicks with you more than the SwAxe

  13. I'm glad to see you having so much fun playing Monster Hunter. I haven't played it much, but certainly 10s of millions of others have also enjoyed it since the first game came out 20 years ago.
    Monster Hunter: World was I think their best selling release too, so there will always be experienced fans wanting to watch people play it. I hope you keep having fun getting a hang of the game mechanics and controls as you progress through the game.

  14. Great job hunting, you got great hunting instincts! Don't worry about perfecting your combos right now, just focus on reading the monster and evading, as well as properly using all of your hunting tools and items! A great thing to learn early is how to set up your own pre-set item loadout so you can just load it instead of messing with your inventory all the time, and also you should learn about how to use the item wheel, which is basically a hotkey system for your items, so you don't have to scroll through the items every time.

  15. Thanks for the stream today IRyS. I've been curious about Monster Hunter for a while but never really got into it since there're so many version and expansion. Seeing you play really makes me want to try it out too.
    About Holo x Break, chat was being kinda vague, it takes around 1-2 hours on average to clear but it would take longer on your first run since it's a rogue like and meant to be played coop (in my opinion anyway, solo was a pain to play for me). I wouldn't recommend playing it if you have a time limit that day

  16. Thanks for the stream IRyS
    I've been looking forward to see HoloEN start playing MHW, and watching you learning the game is really fun!
    You're learning the game at a good pace right now so don't feel too pressured if you don't know something, MonHun is a game with a lot of details to remember to begin with!

    Happy hunting!

  17. Thank you for the fun stream! I'm glad that you enjoyed playing MHW! It's one of my favorite games! Looking forward to see more MHW stream! Enjoy your food and rest well! Otsu

  18. お薦め後即プレイお疲れさまでした!

  19. Thank you so much for the stream! Glad that you enjoyed playing MHW and hunting! I really enjoy playing MHW with friends and just jumped back to the game few days ago, still gonna grind more as I am only a newbie with ~200 hrs in game Looking forward to seeing more HimeRyS hunting in the future and maybe some collabs too! Have a nice meal and rest well IRyS~ Take care

  20. Thanks for the fun hunting stream!! I can't believe that you picked up Switch Axe as your first weapon on the game A little advice is go sword mode whenever you can if the gauge below your health bar max out. also if the icon fully light up, you deal more dmg and triangle/circle move lets you stick on the monster when you hit it.

    Anyways hope you'll try out more weapons as they're fun to use!! Otsu once again!!

  21. Looks like you found another game you can't stop playing Enjoy the game, whether on-stream or off And another thing to enjoy, enjoy your oniku meal Long stream otsukaRyS

  22. Seeing my push enjoy the hunt, makes my veteran hunter heart smile in joy
    Looking forward to more hunts, be it solo, collab or being carried by
    And with that being said, c y'all later

  23. It brings the biggest smile on my face seeing you enjoy one of my favourite games of all time. I'm hoping you get addicted and play it all the way through.
    Don't sleep on the Bow tho! There's no ammo management, and bow dancing is amazing to pull off!
    Greatsword and gunlance are also two really fun weapons

  24. Can't spell "cart" without "art." Once you havve mastered the art, you will have mastered the cart. I'm most curious how "little" you'll grind offstream.

  25. It was really fun seeing you start from scratch and progress so quickly, as you've seen ppl have tons of hours in this game, so no worries about skill level it takes a good while to get used to and master the system, but you're definitely improving super quick. I wish I could've had some advice but I've only played rise and definitely don't have the triple digit hours of some others but it was still tons of fun watching.

  26. MHW is really a great game and I can see why everyone likes it so much and gets addicted to it.

    I hope we can see you playing it soon and keep enjoying it (I bet Flare will be very happy to do a collab when you've adapted to the mechanics).

    Thank you for the stream IRyS, keep having fun off-stream! Take care.

  27. Glad you had fun with MH: World! This was pretty much the one MH game I played and had a good time with and– oh no! The Monhun Virus has hit me too! Must… redownload…. game… Seriously, thanks for motivating me back into this one! Have fun grinding for cute armor sets!

  28. Glad that you have fun for the first MonHun stream! As a hammer main, I smh when you literally skipped thru it during the weapon selection. You didn't even look at the demo vid But I get it since hammer doesn't look cool compared to others, but its mobility is actually great! Anyway, you used switch axe quite well as the first time

  29. This was a fun stream. You throwing hands with Anja and Rathian like youre in wafflehouse was cinema.
    Fr tho. If you want a banger real bgm. Tigrex' theme (MHWorld) is my fave MH ost of all time

  30. I had a feeling you were gonna get hooked into this game!
    I haven't played a MonHun game in a while, but I remember it being fun, and I'm glad you are having fun now too!
    This might be the perfect game to get Flare and Ina together too, if you are still thinking about that

  31. Thanks for the very fun stream!!

    It was nice to see you having fun with this game. And you were learning pretty fast, just like the V-Gamer that you are! I can't wait to see more of your MonHun adventure.

    But I'm still gonna miss the bearded HimeRyS

  32. Thank you for the Monster Hunter World BBQ stream, IRyS!

    Liver and intestines are okay if we clean them properly. Having them in the soup noodle is delicious!

  33. Thank you for starting MHW! And thank you Fu-tan! Watching the early story of game was really nostalgic! Can''t wait for the continuation!


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